I didn't have anything in mind I wanted when I walked in, but of course couldn't leave empty handed! There are so many more Hard Candy products that I want to try! I have loved 99% of what I've bought, and the one product I didn't like, I think was my colour choice and not the product itself. Anyways, I ended up grabbing Walk the Line liquid eyeliner in Licorice. It looks like black eyeliner with silver and rainbow glitter throughout, but once swatched, you can see it's more fo a grey wash than solid black. I wore it yesterday and ended up putting three layers of it on to get it opaque, but I figured out since that I can put a plain black or dark brown liner on and then layer Licorice on top for just the glitter. It dries pretty slowly, too.. that's my only complaint. I am usually a pro at applying liquid eyeliner and I ended up with eyeliner lines under my eyebrow because this was pretty wet for a long time. If you're going to layer it like I did and not bother putting something dark underneath first, you should wait for it to dry completely in between.

Top - one swipe of Licorice
Bottom - one swipe of Licorice over one swipe of Wet N Wild Mega Liner

Overall, I like it. It's different than plain black or brown. The brush is good, the packaging is cute, whatever.
The other thing I bought was totally by chance with no thought put into whatsoever, and I couldn't be happier! I mentioned casually to Amanda that I wanted a dark/navy blue with NO glitter or shimmer, and she just walked right over and said, "like this?" I didn't even think about it, I just bought it. I love it so much! It's the closest I've ever seen to TARDIS blue, and it's a good formula. I really like these Sally Hansen Salon Manicure polishes. This is "I'm Thinking Blue" and I did two coats.
I'm also getting way better at not picking and biting my fingers. Woot, woot!
The liner is stunning!